Terms & Conditions

16:31, Saturday 31st December 2022

The Pamper Box Terms and Conditions

Prior to booking you appointment with The Pamper Box, Royton, OL2 5FH, you must agree to all of these conditions and ensure you have read and understood the booking and cancellation policy. It is your responsibility to read and understand these terms and conditions. If you have any queries, please ask to speak to Lorraine Dale, Managing Director.

By Booking an appointment to attend The Pamper Box, you are implying agreement with these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions may be updated at our discretion without prior notice.


“us”, “we”, “our”, “The Pamper Box” refers to the clinic run by Lorraine Dale.

“you”, “client” refers to a customer of The Pamper Box

The Pamper Box Terms and Conditions:

Booking - You may book appointments via the online booking system, www.thepamperbox.bookinbeautiful.com , in person or by telephone. Booking fees are required immediately upon booking and failure to do so will leave the appointment without confirmation and will be offered to another client.

Advanced bookings may be refused to clients who have missed appointments without giving at least 48 hours notice.

Please only book appointments you intend to complete, as you may have a short delay in the booking fee returning to your bank accounts, which you may require should you wish to rebook to another date. Failure to cancel an appointment within 48 hours of the planned appointment time, will result in the booking fee being retained.

If the incorrect treatment is booked, there may not be time between appointments to offer you the treatment you intended and you will still be liable for the loss of monies incurred as a result of your error. You will not be offered another appointment until this is paid. If you are unsure of treatments at the time of booking, please contact Lorraine Dale at The Pamper Box to assist you.

Please ensure upon booking and prior to your visit that your consultation form is up to date with any changes to circumstances recorded. If you are booking a dermaplaning, micro-needling or chemical peel treatment, please be prepared to complete a written consent and consultation form upon appointment.

When booking your appointment please read carefully the pre and post care information to ensure you are suitable for treatment.


Please arrive on time for your appointment. Should you attend late, I may not be able to fulfil all treatment requests as this will impact negatively upon the rest of the treatments throughout the day and impact other clients. If you are late and all treatments are not completed, you will still be charged for full booking price of the appointment.

As ever, a cleaning gap is left inbetween clients and this cannot be compromised by tardiness, or us chatting. I must ask that you leave promptly upon your treatment being completed so The Pamper Box is ready for the next client.

No hot drinks will be offered within The Pamper Box however bottles of water are available, free of charge. You are welcome to bring your own drinks as long as the treatment is safe for you to do so, for example during lash treatments eyes are closed and so hot drinks will not be a practical option.


Fees and Payment

Upon booking you will be asked to pay the booking fee immediately, for treatments £20 and below, this is in full payment, for treatments above £20, this is 50% of treatment costs. This can be made via the online booking system, via cash or bank transfer. Failure to provide this within one hour (if booked direct with Lorraine) will result in the appointment being offered to another client. The booking fee is taken immediately upon online booking. Upon receipt of the booking fee payment, you will be issued with confirmation of your appointment.

Remaining balances of bookings are to be made either prior to the appointment time and date, via the online booking system, via cash or bank transfer, or at the end of the appointment, prior to leaving.

There are no credit systems in place. Should outstanding balances remain unpaid, no future appointments will be offered.

No refunds will be offered for any treatments that have been completed.



 Cancellations require 48 hours notice, otherwise prepaid booking fees will be retained. All cancellations outside of this 48 hours will ensure your booking fee is returned to you upon cancellation. You must cancel your appointment online, via the booking system, as it is not guaranteed I will read messages immediately after you send them.

If you want to rearrange your appointment, you are required to cancel the one you wish to move and rebook the preferred date. If you do this within immediate succession you pay another booking fee whilst you wait for the cancelled fee (as long as outside of 48 hours) to be returned.




Eligibility for Treatment

Therapists within The Pamper Box are not obliged to treat you if they deem treatment is not appropriate for any reason

Treatment will be refused if you attend intoxicated, under the influence of substances or behave in a threatening, inappropriate manner.

Some treatments require a patch test, it is your responsibility to book this with your treatment as they are clearly specified within the treatment description. We reserve the right the refuse treatment if a patch test has not been completed, or if the treatment was last completed over 6 months prior to the current appointment. Treatment will also be refused if negative results from the patch test are experienced.

Prior to any treatment, a consultation will assess your suitability for treatment and whether treatment is likely to be successful. If deemed unsuitable, you will be informed as to the reasons why and you will be refunded your booking fee. However, if this reason is against the advice within the treatment details you have booked, the booking fee will be retained. For example, if you have booked a treatment that requires you do not use retinoids for 2 weeks, but you disclose you have at the point of treatment, you will not be treated but will be charged.  Please ensure you read the pre and post treatment advice prior to booking.

Pre treatment and after care advice can be found online at the point of booking. Lorraine Dale has the right to refuse treatment should this not be deemed in the best interest of the client, or in the interest of The Pamper Box. Should the client present with contraindications that restrict, or prevent treatment, this will be explained and another treatment option discussed. Refunds minus the booking fee will be given if the treatment is refused.


Treatment Packages

Treatment packages cannot be altered. Treatments cannot be changed or swapped. If you wish to omit a service from the package, you will still be charged full price of the package booked.

Treatment packages must be completed within one appointment and cannot be split over different dates and times.



Please be aware of your appointment time, start and finish to ensure your appointment is completed and this does not impact upon the next client. 

Treatment time stated will include consultation, treatment, after care discussion and dressing time.




Treatment Expectations

Each client’s anatomy is different; therefore, results are not guaranteed as many factors can influence treatment.

Realistic expectations must be maintained. Through consultation this will be discussed and expected results explained. If it is deemed you are not suitable for treatment, or if upon discussion you feel the treatment outcome will not be as you intended and is less favourable than you had hoped, the treatment will not go ahead. 


Retail Products

Retail products must be paid for in full at time of purchase or ordering.


Gift vouchers

Gift vouchers can be of any value when purchased.

Gift vouchers are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. It is your responsibility to book your appointments within this time period. No extensions will be offered.

Gift vouchers may be used for treatments performed by The Pamper Box and are also redeemable against cosmeceutical products available to purchase at The Pamper Box.

Gift vouchers are non-refundable

Gift vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash.

Your gift voucher must be handed in upon final payment of the treatment cost.

You are not under obligation to use the full value of your vouchers during one session though they must remain within date to be used.

Gift voucher appointments are subject to the same cancellation and failure to attend terms as laid out in The Pamper Boxes booking policy.



Price Alteration

We reserve the right to alter prices without prior notice.


Medical Conditions

Please inform your therapist of all medical conditions and current including pregnancy prior to booking as some treatments may not be appropriate for you.

If you are under any medical care please inform the therapist as this may impact your treatment, for example hormonal treatment for IVF, chemotherapy etc



The following payment methods are welcome:

Most credit and debit Cards


Online booking system



It is illegal to smoke anywhere in The Pamper Box


Mobile Phones and Devices

Please refrain from using your mobiles during your appointment



Children cannot be supervised during treatment times, please do not bring children with you to your appointment

No treatments will be offered to children under the age of 11. Children aged 11 years and over can be treated under the conditions that the parent/ responsible adult remains with them at all times and the legal guardian has provided, in writing, consent to treatment.

If the therapist feels the treatment is not in the best interest of the child, or you do not wish to proceed upon the advice given, treatment will be refused.


Personal Items

Please place all your personal items in the basket provided and ensure you retrieve them prior to leaving. The Pamper Box cannot be held responsible for lost items.



If you have a complaint about the service you have received at The Pamper Box, please speak to Lorraine Dale either directly or in writing if you feel more comfortable. All complaints are to be made to Lorraine Dale at Lorrainedale22@yahoo.com and will be responded to within 14 days of submitting.




Treatments and gift vouchers are non-refundable

Full refunds are available on retail products if they are unused, in their original packaging, in a fully saleable, undamaged condition within 28 days of purchase.


How We Use Your Personal Information (Data Protection)

Please refer to The Privacy Policy online in relation to online booking system and payments. In clinic, client record cards are stored in a locked drawer accessible only to Lorraine Dale. Your cards contain signed consultation and patch tests forms and treatment history. Such record cards are used only in reference to your own treatments and are not shared with others.



Pre-treatment and after care advice can be found online at the point of booking. Lorraine Dale has the right to refuse treatment should this not be deemed in the best interest of the client or in the interest of The Pamper Box. Should the client present with contraindications that restrict, or prevent treatment, this will be explained and another treatment option discussed. Refunds minus the booking fee will be given if the treatment is refused.


31st December 2022